Selecting Brake pads that fit your driving style

The importance of the brakes in your vehicle cannot be overemphasised. Different motorists will have different needs for their braking system, depending on their specific vehicle as well as driving style. Not all brake pads are the same. Some are specifically designed for light everyday driving, while others are more suited for high performance applications. It is important for you to understand your options so you can make better decisions for your vehicle. Read More 

Practical Tips for Preventing Inopportune Alternator Repairs

The diminutive size of the alternator may make you think that it is not as critical as other components in your vehicle, such as the engine, but the truth is that this auto part is vital for your car's performance. Without a functional alternator, mechanical energy cannot be converted into electrical power; subsequently, multiple auto parts will be unable to function. However, few motorists pay much attention to their alternator as long as they are not experiencing auto problems. Read More 

What You Need to Know Before Deciding What Type of Replacement Parts to Use for Your Car Repair

Though preventative car maintenance is intended to forfend car problems, there is no guarantee that you will not face problems with your car down the road. As a matter of fact, every car is bound to encounter repair issues down the line no matter how well it is cared for. As a car owner, having to foot some car repair bills is a responsibility you should graciously accept. When car repair issues arise, you will have to take your car to the car mechanic for repair service. Read More 

The Debate Between Manual and Automatic Transmission Cars

With advancements in car engineering, more vehicles today use automatic transmissions as opposed to manual transmissions. Motorists often debate between the two options in an attempt to determine which is the better choice. As manual transmission vehicles continue to become rare, drivers are noticing the incredible benefits they offered in terms of fuel efficiency, durability and high performance while on the road. So what makes a manual transmission vehicle stand out from its automatic counterpart? Read More 

Need Vehicle Towing? Here’s What You Need to Do Before the Tow Truck Arrives!

If your vehicle breaks down and you need to call a tow truck for help, you'll probably just feel relieved to know that help is on the way. You may assume that there's nothing that you need to do other than hand over the car keys and pay the driver for their services. However, because your car will likely be at the mechanic's shop for at least a few days, you'll need to do a bit of preparation before the tow truck arrives. Read More